FAQ (IOS) by light_rock_zz

Version: 4.6 | Updated: 02/03/2025
FAQ of the Month Winner: January 2020 | Highest Rated Guide

Ship Details & Strategies

Ship Details (Part 10)

Detailed Stats & Strategies for Below Ships & Apexes (Part 10)


Strong against: Dart/Pellet, Shuriken/Pellet, Shuriken/MIRV, Dart/MIRV, Dart/Boomerang/Pellet, General - No Lasers, Shuriken/Boomerang, Dart/Boomerang/Laser, General/Boomerang, General, Dart/Pellet/Laser, Shuriken/Pellet/Laser
Weak against: None in particular

Ship Class: Safer-FO

Main Weapon: Boson Charges

  • Average DPS = 31.25
  • Blast Damage = 2 (Low)
  • Blast Radius = 75
  • Weapon Class = Continuous Stream
  • Rate of Fire = 0.4s (Medium)
  • Projectile Speed = 900 to 50 with a deceleration of 1000 (Medium, then Stationary)
  • Projectile Hit Circle Radius = 10
  • Forward traveling projectiles fired in left-right alternating fashion from each side of the ship, slowing down and resting for a while after traveling a set distance and finally disappearing if it doesn't hit

Survivability (Daily Missions): B
Survivability (Community Missions): B

  • (+) Both Reflex EMP and Vorpal Lance provide bullet clearing capabilities.
    • This makes it well usable in a Shuriken/MIRV mission.
  • (-) The left-right alternating nature of Boson Charges make it very difficult to land the projectiles correctly, especially on Ravens and Sparrows .
  • (=) The horizontal distance between Boson Charges makes it suitable to pop off 2 turrets from a Vulture so long you can hold position.
    • Given the stackable nature of Boson Charges, it doesn't take long to down a Vulture's shield.
    • You can go between 2 turrets to pop them both off.
    • This will take some time due to the left-right alternating nature of Boson Charges.
  • (+) You can also use Vorpal Lance to pop off turrets if it's urgent such as against fast firing MIRV Bloomers or pellets spinners (wall).
  • (+) Use Reflex EMP to clear out Sparrows where possible.
  • (+) Vorpal Lance clears out Ravens effectively where possible.
  • (+) 2 blast damage from Boson Charges destroy a Shielded Sparrow .
    • If you see a Sparrow on fire, try to aim for another Invader nearby to kill the damaged Sparrow.
  • (-) Going against a Roc can spell disaster for Jeria, as the Boson Charges projectiles can't hit the Roc if far away.
    • Once you are cornered in a Roc fight, you will likely die.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): X
Speedrunning (Community Missions): X

  • Jeria actually deals a DPS of 29.25 impact damage, with an AoE damage of 2.
    • Since Jeria fires one Boson Charge every 0.4s, this means a projectile of Boson Charge deals 11.7 impact damage and 2 AoE damage.
  • (+) The stackable nature of Boson Charges make pre-firing them an essential skill for extreme speedrunning.
    • Each Boson Charge stays on field for 1.9s.
    • Particularly, knowing what the first wave of each Act is crucial, as the Boson Charges can wipe out Sparrows or even Ravens very quickly when positioned correctly.
    • If the projectiles are positioned correctly, the first wave of earlier Acts up to about Act 3 can be wiped immediately.
    • The rather big blast radius of Boson Charges mean that you can strategically ignore some Sparrows to hit and allow them to die by being affected by 2 separate blast damages .
    • Here's a short illustration of just how powerful the stackable nature of Boson Charges is:
  • (+) Boson Charges projectiles that reached their maximum distance linger there for more than 1s.
    • Positioned correctly, Boson Charges projectiles will detonate on Invaders just as the wave arrives and deal massive damage to them.
  • (+) This technique can applied to all Invaders, even Eagles .
    • Positioning the projectiles correctly allows Boson Charges to strip the shield.
    • Then 2 Vorpal Lances can be thrown onto them to destroy both Eagles immediately, instead of the usual 3.
  • (+) You can still use 3 Vorpal Lances against upfield Eagles since pre-fired Boson Charges projectiles only weaken downfield Invaders.
  • Unfortunately, this takes a LOT of practice given the difficulty to wield the alternating left-right Boson Charges, and how far apart they are spaced.
    • There is no other way to learn except through practice.
    • Pre-firing Boson Charges is like a dance, swinging from left to right and vice versa in a pendulum like motion.
    • The objective is to have the left projectile of Boson Charges fire at the maximum point of the left side of the pendulum motion, and the right projectile of Boson Charges fire at the maximum point of the right side of the pendulum motion.
    • To pre-fire Boson Charges at a few other points, a wider or narrower pendulum motion is needed in the same amount of period time.
    • To master this pendulum like motion is what makes Jeria extremely difficult to master, as you'll need huge experience on how to grasp the timing of the pendulum motion.
    • You also need to learn how to transit from an end wave to this pendulum motion quickly.
  • For Boson Charges, don't go too downfield since Boson Charges projectiles don't reach very far.
  • (+) Focus on landing Boson Charges correctly when a wave fully arrives.
    • There are 2 approaches after landing Boson Charges correctly.
    • You can do a Vorpal Lance sweep to clear the entire field.
    • Alternatively, use a Vorpal Lance to ride up to the center of field and charge Reflex EMP .
    • Kill the rest with Boson Charges.
      • Since Ravens and Sparrows are all dead from Vorpal Lance + Reflex EMP , you should be left with Herons and above, which are easier to hit with Boson Charges.
    • These 2 approaches take alternate turns.
    • Reflex EMP is generally for more heavier waves.
  • (+) If you need to pop off dangerous turrets, use Vorpal Lance instead of Boson Charges.
  • If the next wave has a frontline Vulture , position yourself at a height, and pre-fire Boson Charges such that Ravens behind the Vulture are hit by your projectiles.
    • Then, strip the Vulture's shield before throwing a Vorpal Lance to ride up.
    • Charge Reflex EMP as you ride up, such that the range is enough to kill the damaged Ravens .
    • Having just one Boson Charges projectile on a Raven is enough to finish it off with Reflex EMP .
    • Against Herons or Eagles , position yourself downfield to have the Boson Charges projectiles hit the Vulture instead, and do a Vorpal Lance sweep.
      • Kill the Herons with 2 Vorpal Lances .
      • Try to have the Eagles converge, then throw 3 Vorpal Lances to vaporize them.
  • If the next wave has two columns of Invaders, with Ravens and Herons on each column, pre-fire one Boson Charges projectile for each Heron to break their shields first, then use Vorpal Lances to finish them off.
    • This conserves the number of Vorpal Lance counters used.
  • If 2 Eagles unfortunately separate from each other, fire 2 Vorpal Lances on each side, and then fly with the last Vorpal Lance to the middle of the screen to release a Reflex EMP .
    • This technique is useful if the wave features four Eagles .
  • Generally, Reflex EMP is reserved for damaged Ravens (by one Boson Charges projectile) or Sparrows .
  • For even more tips on how to speedrun with Jeria, refer to this website:

Fun Factor: A-

  • (-) The left right alternating Boson Charges, and how far apart they are, makes Jeria extremely frustrating to play, especially in early waves that have many Sparrows .
  • (+) Very, very powerful ship if used correctly, which obliterates Invaders extremely fast, especially with the stacking of Boson Charges.
    • However, this requires a lot, a lot of playing with Jeria. It will be a journey filled with extreme frustration from using Boson Charges.
    • The learning journey of Jeria is likely worth it as you become accustomed to using Boson Charges, due to how satisfying fast it can wipe Invaders.
  • (+) Both Vorpal Lance and Reflex EMP are great AoE abilities to use, which crush Invaders quickly and satisfyingly.
  • (=) The blast damage of Boson Charges is quite negligible, unless you are speedrunning at a very high level.
  • (+) Fun to watch all the Boson Charges projectiles stack up on screen, especially in Act transitions.
  • (+) Pretty satisfying Boson Charges impact sounds.
  • (+) The relatively short height of Jeria make locating its ship core quite easy.


  • The base form and apexes of Jeria were designed by Rogier van de Beek.
  • The sounds made by Jeria are created by Lars Tesselaar.
  • Jeria was only introduced into Phoenix 2 at v5.2.
  • Jeria is slightly asymmetrical. If you look at the markings on Jeria's body, they are different on the left and right sides of Jeria.
  • Jeria is the only ship in which between main weapon level upgrades , there is no change in other statistics except the Projectile Time to Live. This statistic is also one that does not change for any other main weapons as well.
  • Jeria is the second Shield Breaker ship in the game to have main weapon blast damage , after Njörun. But unlike Njörun, every single Boson Charge projectile has blast damage.
  • Because of how unwieldy Jeria's Boson Charge is, and Jeria simply dominating the Marshal leaderboards, Jeria is often a hated ship in many communities, even among many speedrunners. On the Discord, Jeria is often referred to as J*ria by several community members.
  • Jeria makes a cameo appearance during the campaign, piloted by Ace Nyra in Mission #21 of the Campaign, as a community wink as mentioned by the devs. A Jeria (which you saved earlier) piloted by Ace Nyra also provides support in Mission #28 of the Campaign, where it fires 3 consecutive powerful volleys of 1+2+2 Vorpal Lances in total to wipe out a deadly Condor.

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Epsilon (VL Twin Lance) - ¢25.000

Value: S
Cost vs Utility: S

Survivability (Daily Missions): B [No significant change]
Survivability (Community Missions): B [No significant change]

  • (+) Wider Vorpal Lance makes for better bullet clearance.
  • (+) Can eliminate a few more Ravens with the same number of Vorpal Lance counters , reducing the need to chase them down using Boson Charges.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): HX [+]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): HX [+]

  • (+) Catches a few more Sparrows with Vorpal Lance in early waves.
  • (+) More reliable speedrunning with less chance of Ravens escaping the Vorpal Lances thrown at them.
    • Easier to focus on good positioning rather than doing chasing down Ravens and Sparrows with Boson Charges from the bad RNG.

Fun Factor: A [+]

  • (+) Taking down more Ravens with the same number of Vorpal Lance counters means less frustration in using the difficult to use Boson Charges to take down the remaining Ravens.
  • (+) Can take down a few more Sparrows with wider Vorpal Lance , so less chasing down of Sparrows with Boson Charges.

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Sigma (REMP High Damage) - ¢35.000

Value: S-
Cost vs Utility: A

Survivability (Daily Missions): B+ [+]
Survivability (Community Missions): B+ [+]

  • (+) Huge viability for Unprotected missions.
  • (+) Kills Unprotected Ravens instantly.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): HX [+]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): HX [+]

  • (+) Devastatingly fast in Unprotected missions since Unprotected Ravens die instantly.
    • 1 Vorpal Lance + Reflex EMP destroy an Unprotected Heron instantly.
  • (+) Vorpal Lances can be re-allocated to Unprotected Herons .
  • (+) Easy to throw 3 Vorpal Lances between 2 Unprotected Eagles to vaporize them quickly without thinking.
  • (+) In Shielded missions, Raven dense waves can be vaporized very quickly if you land a few Boson Charges projectiles across 1 - 2 rows of Shielded Ravens.
    • Then go upfield to charge Reflex EMP , and they'll all disappear.
    • This happens in 2 cases, when the Ravens are all downfield, or hiding upfield (especially behind a Vulture ).
    • No more need to use Vorpal Lances against Ravens , allowing you to conserve Vorpal Lances against Herons and Eagles for that wave (or other more upfield/downfield Ravens).
      • Or re-allocate Vorpal Lances to other waves.
    • If the Ravens are in columns, this apex doesn't help much.
      • You'll still be using Vorpal Lance like normal to eliminate these Ravens in columns.
  • (+) Generally helps in overall AoE damage to Herons and Eagles so they go down faster with less Boson Charges projectiles to kill them.
  • (+) Devastatingly fast in both Unprotected and Shielded missions.
    • Used correctly, it will get you the Best of Best badge for Shielded missions
    • It can even get the Best of Best badge for Unprotected Shuriken/MIRV missions.
  • Here's a video by a good Jeria Sigma player explaining how some of the strategies work and how they play out in real-time:

Fun Factor: A [+]`

  • (+) Really fun to use in Unprotected missions since no more Ravens to care about, making Boson Charges much easier to use.
  • (+) Potentially less RNG when dealing against Shielded Ravens since Boson Charges + Reflex EMP takes them out without using Vorpal Lance , making it more consistent, especially after mastering pre-firing the Boson Charges projectiles.

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Strong against: Dart/Boomerang/Laser, Dart/Pellet/Laser, Shuriken/Pellet/Laser, Lasers Only, Laser/Pellet, Laser/Shuriken
Weak against: Shuriken/MIRV, Dart/MIRV, Dart/Boomerang/Pellet, General - No Lasers, Shuriken/Boomerang

Ship Class: Attack & Retreat

Main Weapon: Rift Laser

Survivability (Daily Missions): B-
Survivability (Community Missions): B-

  • (+) Personal Shield is great when faced with a shuriken cloud headed toward you with very little space to escape.
    • Allow it to activate, then exit Personal Shield and use Fade Out to get past the shuriken cloud.
    • Note that Personal Shield Fade Out is not effective at crossing large distances, so make sure you figure out the shortest path to escape such shuriken clouds.
      • Usually, this is the area that is most downfield.
    • Attract all the shuriken launchers to one side to thin out the shuriken cloud.
    • Retreat until you hit the vertical border of the screen, before using Personal Shield Fade Out to escape the shuriken cloud.
  • (+) Personal Shield helps against defending against pellets released from Caged MIRVs .
  • (=) Rift Laser isn't very powerful.
    • Almost a full burst of Rift Laser is needed to pop off turrets.
    • Since Rift Laser reloads quickly, it can pop off turrets rather quickly.
  • Reserve Goliath Missiles for dealing against dense waves since it is not needed for turret popping.
  • (=) Rift Laser isn't too difficult to handle, but the interval between each beam is very short, with a short downtime.
    • It takes a bit of time to understand Rift Laser's rhythm.
  • (+) The Rift Laser being beams allows Centurion to safely play downfield after firing off the initial burst of Goliath Missiles .
  • (-) Since Rift Laser isn't very powerful and Centurion is usually played downfield, it can be hard to land Goliath Missiles properly.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): A+
Speedrunning (Community Missions): A+

  • (+) 2 Goliath Missiles' blast damage destroys Unprotected Ravens .
  • At the end of a wave, try to get close to the last few Invaders.
  • As the next wave arrives, quickly get in position upfield for the first firing spot of Goliath Missile .
  • Sweep the field with Goliath Missiles from left to right (or vice versa).
  • Exhaust your full supply of Goliath Missiles where possible, especially in Acts 3 and above.
  • Try to target Invaders larger than Ravens with Goliath Missiles , since the Rift Laser will compete with Goliath Missiles for damage otherwise.
  • Use Personal Shield to jump across lanes of either darts or pellets (the latter usually more likely) to quickly reposition yourself after killing a larger Invader.
    • Try not to do this unless the path is really blocked, as using Personal Shield means losing Rift Laser DPS.
    • You can use Personal Shield before the start of the next wave to get into position for firing the first Goliath Missile .
  • (+) Powerful in laser heavy missions since you can go right up in the face of Invaders, and charge Personal Shield just as laser MIRVs are triggered to deal a lot of laser reflection damage.

Fun Factor: A+

  • (+) Being able to one-shot Unprotected Ravens with Goliath Missiles is fun.
    • Also, dealing huge blast damage with Goliath Missile is also fun.
  • (+) Pretty nice Rift Laser impact sounds, which are pretty Star Wars like.
  • (+) Fun to use in laser heavy missions from the offensive aspect of Personal Shield .
  • (=) Average handling of Rift Laser. It takes some getting used to.
  • (=) Average ship core positioning.


  • The base form and apexes of Centurion were designed by Rogier van de Beek.
  • The sounds made by Centurion are created by Lars Tesselaar.
  • Centurion was only introduced into Phoenix 2 at v5.2.
  • Centurion is VERY SLIGHTLY asymmetrical. If you zoom in to the yellow parts of the ship, the rust marks on the left and right sides of the ship are different.
  • The Rift Laser, when upgraded, increases the number of lasers per burst. The cycle time remains the same and the interval between the successive Rift Laser is the same. Level 1 has 2 Rift Lasers per cycle, Level 2 has 3, Level 3 has 4, Level 4 has 5, and Level 5 and Ultimate Level has 6. Here's how it looks like in screenshots, taken just as the last Rift Laser of the Level 5 / Ultimate Level appears:
  • Before v5.2 (the update where Centurion was released), some teaser screenshots were released on Discord:

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Tau (GM Tungsten Warhead) - ¢40.000

Value: S+
Cost vs Utility: S

Survivability (Daily Missions): B [+]
Survivability (Community Missions): B [+]

  • (+) Huge viability in Armored missions since one Goliath Missile Tungsten Warhead takes out several bunched up Armored Ravens .

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): X [++++]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): X [++++]

  • (+) One Goliath Missile destroys all Armored Ravens in range. This is an insane buff to Goliath Missile.
  • (+) The Armor Piercing property of Goliath Missile's blast damage makes it incredibly effective on larger Invaders such as Herons or Eagles , since damage is significantly increased.
  • (+) Extremely powerful against Armored laser heavy missions, since Goliath Missile wipes out Armored Ravens quickly, allowing Personal Shield to deal damage back to bigger Invaders.
    • Reduces the amount of RNG for laser reflection , and allows it to kill Invaders more effectively.
      • If the Ravens are upfield, let the laser reflection occur first if possible.
      • Unless, the wave can be wiped out without using Personal Shield .
    • Particularly, against Condors and Rocs , if the optimal laser reflection is achieved, the Roc or Condor can be wiped out in one single laser reflection.
    • You may need to throw a few Goliath Missiles if the number of reflected lasers are less than required to kill these large Invaders.
  • (=) The impact damage increase is also applied to Unprotected Ravens , but their higher health means only the Raven Goliath Missile hit is destroyed, the other Ravens are only severely damaged.
    • Therefore, this apex doesn't help much on Unprotected missions.
    • The damage boost of 10 is only to the Invader in which Goliath Missile hit, and does not apply to the blast damage .
  • For even more tips on how to speedrun with this apex, refer to this website:

Fun Factor: S [++]

  • (+) Expanded viability in Armored missions, especially laser heavy ones.
  • (+) Wiping out clusters of Armored Ravens is extremely satisfying.

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Epsilon (PS Shield Booster) - ¢25.000

Value: A
Cost vs Utility: A

Survivability (Daily Missions): B [+]
Survivability (Community Missions): B [+]

  • (+) Increased defence against bullets, by clearing up more bullets.
    • Helps especially in clearing up slower moving MIRVs , pellets and shurikens.
    • Particularly useful against MIRVs since a lot of pellets released by MIRVs can be cleaned up.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): A+ [No significant change]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): A+ [No significant change]

  • (+) Allows you to cross more horizontal distance to switch targets much more effectively.
  • (-) However, Rift Laser does not seem to resume firing until Fade Out is over, which means a slight cut in DPS.
  • (+) Useful in throwing an additional Goliath Missile upfield (if collecting particles allow you gain a Goliath Missile counter ) since Personal Shield Shield Booster acts like a pseudo-Teleport to safely fire Goliath Missile upfield, then retreat back downfield.
    • This is only situationally useful since the initial burst of Goliath Missiles should have destroyed most of the smaller Invaders.
    • Could help for very dense waves with so many particles, which may overfill your counters.

Fun Factor: A+ [No significant change]

  • (+) Fun to use Shield Booster as a pseudo-Teleport to fire Goliath Missile upfield.
  • (+) Pretty satisfying to use for cleaning up bullets, kind of like using an eraser in real life.

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Strong against: None in particular
Weak against: Shuriken/MIRV, Dart/MIRV, Lasers Only, Laser/Pellet, Laser/Shuriken

Ship Class: Defend to Attack

Main Weapon: Quantum Repeaters

  • Average DPS = 31.25
  • Weapon Class = Continuous Stream
  • Rate of Fire = 0.1s (Fast)
  • Projectile Speed = 1100 (Fast)
  • Projectile Hit Circle Radius = 4
  • 3 sets (arranged in a upward chevron pattern) of 2 side-by-side projectiles, each set firing in a V pattern

Survivability (Daily Missions): A
Survivability (Community Missions): A

  • (=) The Quantum Repeaters are weak but consistent damage dealers.
  • (+) Barrier aids popping off turrets.
    • Even though Quantum Repeaters take a bit of time, Barrier allows you to maintain position well.
  • (+) Focus Lance is also a free turret popper at the start of each wave.
    • Except for Condors and Rocs that have higher turret health, since one Focus Lance is not enough.
  • The strong turret popping capabilities of Stinger make it a survivable ship, frequently allowing Stinger to utilize the inner lining .
  • (+) Focus Lance can be used to eliminate dangerous turrets upfield which Quantum Repeaters cannot reach.
  • (+) Barrier can be frequently deployed upfield.
    • Both Quantum Repeaters and Focus Lance are forward firing, allowing you to cool off bullets and collect particles at the end of a wave.
  • (+) Barrier is versatile at defence, enabling Stinger's mobility to destroy Invaders slowly from left to right (or vice versa).

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): B+
Speedrunning (Community Missions): B+

  • (+) Spam Focus Lance as much as possible, since barriers allow you to position Focus Lance easily and properly.
  • (+) Some barriers can be used downfield to aid Focus Lance firing if going upfield is difficult for deploying barriers.
  • (+) Quantum Repeater damage leak is inevitable.
    • Each projectile is weak, so leaking a bit of damage is not detrimental to speed.

Fun Factor: B+

  • (+) Fun to frequently spam Focus Lance to pierce through Invaders.
  • (=) Average Quantum Repeaters impact sound.
  • (=) Decent ship core positioning.
  • (=) Very average ship.


  • The base form and apexes of Stinger were designed by Rogier van de Beek.
  • The sounds made by Stinger are created by Lars Tesselaar.
  • Stinger was only introduced into Phoenix 2 at v5.2.
  • Stinger is VERY SLIGHTLY asymmetrical.
    • However, this is not observable while in Ship Preview. it can only be observed if Stinger's turbofan does not move.
    • The stain markings on Stinger's turbofan are neither left-right or rotationally symmetrical.
  • While all ships bank / tilt to one side when moving, Stinger has a reduced degree of banking compared to most other ships.
  • Like Tillat'Or, Stinger flies using a turbofan just like VTOL aircrafts. It is also one of the only ships that doesn't fly using thrusters.
  • Stinger is amongst the most expensive Common ship to fully upgrade (to 6-6-6) and get both its apexes, coming in at ¢64.800 (¢500 for buying Stinger, ¢9,300 for fully upgrading, ¢25,000 for the Epsilon Apex & ¢30,000 for the Lambda Apex), assuming you buy everything with your own credits (including buying to unlock the ship itself).
  • Here are the Quantum Repeaters upgrade levels in screenshots:

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Lambda (FL Expert Focus) - ¢30.000

Value: A
Cost vs Utility: A

Survivability (Daily Missions): A [No significant change]
Survivability (Community Missions): A [No significant change]

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): A- [++]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): A- [++]

  • (+) Spamming more Focus Lances mean more AoE damage .
    • In fact, Focus Lance can be fired twice as much.

Fun Factor: B+ [No significant change]

  • (+) Fun to fire more Focus Lances for sure.
  • (=) Otherwise, just not really an impressive apex.

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Epsilon (Barrier Reflector) - ¢25.000

Value: S-
Cost vs Utility: A

Survivability (Daily Missions): A+ [+]
Survivability (Community Missions): A [No change]

  • (+) Huge increase in viability in laser heavy missions of all affinities.
  • Simply place all barriers downfield to take advantage of this apex ability.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): A+ [++]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): B+ [No change]

  • (+) Goes significantly faster in laser heavy missions.
  • Deploy barriers in a row so you can move horizontally effectively to aim down Invaders.
  • Throw Focus Lance after the first round of laser reflection if unable to take down the current wave with Quantum Repeaters and laser reflection damage.
    • This takes advantage of the laser reflection damage from these Ravens .
  • Otherwise, throw Focus Lance at as many Ravens as possible.
  • If you see Ravens without lasers , target them for Focus Lance .
  • Try not to target turrets which are laser turrets, whether or not it is a laser spread or tracking laser since that reduces laser reflection damage.

Fun Factor: A+ [++]

  • (+) Very fun to use in laser heavy missions.
  • (+) Reflecting many lasers off barriers (that act like a significantly bigger Personal Shield) back to Invaders is extremely satisfying.

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Strong against: Shuriken/Pellet, Shuriken/Pellet/Laser, Lasers Only, Laser/Pellet, Laser/Shuriken
Weak against: Shuriken/MIRV, Dart/MIRV, Dart/Boomerang/Pellet, General - No Lasers, Dart/Boomerang/Laser, Dart/Pellet/Laser

Ship Class: Blitzkrieg

Main Weapon: Proton Splitter

Survivability (Daily Missions): D+
Survivability (Community Missions): D+

  • (-) Absolutely no defence. Once cornered, you are dead.
  • (-) Weak Proton Splitter, which takes 2 bursts to pop off turrets on a Vulture .
    • 3 bursts of Proton Splitter to pop off turrets on a Roc .
  • (=) The thin Proton Splitter is able to reach difficult-to-reach turrets on a Condor and Roc .
    • However, without defences, it's hard to keep yourself aligned to these turrets.
  • (+) Fast reloading Proton Splitter, so missed bursts are not so consequential.
  • (=) Goliath Missile destroys dense waves quite easily.
    • However, since Proton Splitter is a beam, it is easy to stay downfield.
    • This makes firing Goliath Missiles usually downfield, making them likely to miss.
  • (-) Difficult to charge Mega Bomb .
    • The short duration of a burst of Proton Splitter makes it difficult to charge Mega Bomb early.
    • Mistral has no defences, so hard to get into position to charge Mega Bomb .

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): S+
Speedrunning (Community Missions): S+

  • One burst of Proton Splitter eliminates 3 Sparrows at best (usually only 2).
  • (-) It takes 2 bursts of Proton Splitter to kill an Armored Raven .
    • It still takes 4 bursts of Proton Splitter to kill 2 Armored Ravens , even if there is spillover damage to the other Raven.
  • (+) In a way, the weak Proton Splitter that is unable to kill Armored Ravens works to your advantage.
    • This means Goliath Missile and Proton Splitter don't really compete with each other for damage.
    • It also takes 2 times the blast damage of Goliath Missile to kill Armored Ravens.
    • Thus, you can land one burst of Proton Splitter on each Raven, except the one Goliath Missile will be hitting.
    • Then throw a Goliath Missile on the Raven that is hardly / not damaged by Proton Splitter to finish them all off.
  • (+) Throwing 2 Goliath Missiles onto a Heron with Ravens beside it will kill all of them, which is very advantageous.
  • (+) Since Goliath Missiles are slow traveling, you can use them to finish off larger Invaders such as Vultures , Condors or Rocs .
    • This allows charging Mega Bomb early to land it at the optimum spot.
    • Retreat as far downfield as possible, throw Goliath Missile(s) , and quickly head back upfield to charge Mega Bomb at the ideal spot.
    • Don't use more than 2 Goliath Missiles .
    • Useful especially when landing Fusion Core on downfield Eagles , since it is difficult to kill them with Goliath Missiles .
      • Throw a Goliath Missile on one of the Eagles after Mega Bomb to destroy both of them.
  • Both Goliath Missile and Mega Bomb are AoE damage.
    • Goliath Missile allows time for Mega Bomb to cool down.
    • In light waves, use Goliath Missiles to clear out the whole wave quickly.
    • Generally, swap between using Goliath Missiles and Mega Bomb in alternate waves.
      • Sometimes, in Act 5 & 6, if the wave is not heavy enough, forgo using Mega Bomb .
    • It's especially ideal to use Mega Bomb on waves with Eagles, since Goliath Missile struggles to eliminate them.
  • Most of the damage are done by Goliath Missile and Mega Bomb .
    • Proton Splitter's job in later Acts is just to eliminate dangerous turrets to enable Mega Bomb to charge properly.
    • It is also used to weaken Invaders such as Herons and Ravens for Goliath Missile to take them out after the Goliath Missile(s) hit.
  • It is not always possible to charge Mega Bomb such that Fusion Core lands on Herons .
    • You may need to charge Mega Bomb more upfield, which may not destroy some Sparrows and Ravens .
    • After Mega Bomb is set off, focus Goliath Missiles on a larger Invader such as an Eagle or larger so that Herons nearby are destroyed by the blast damage.
      • This directs Goliath Missiles' impact damage on the larger Invaders instead.
    • Most Herons are already very damaged by Mega Bomb , so only blast damages from Goliath Missiles are required to eliminate them.
    • Use Proton Splitter to eliminate the remaining loose Sparrows and Ravens that escaped Mega Bomb .
  • To deal with dense waves, you may opt to throw two Goliath Missiles to the upfield Invaders and two more to downfield Invaders.
    • You can also throw Goliath Missiles in a triangular layout, i.e. one on the left plus two on the right, or two on the left plus one on the right.
  • For more tips on how to speedrun with Mistral, refer to this website:

Fun Factor: S-

  • (+) Both Mega Bomb and Goliath Missile are fun abilities to use.
    • Provided, you hit with your Goliath Missiles of course.
  • (+) A very fast ship, obliterating Invaders very quickly, making Mistral satisfying.
  • (+) Relatively easy to handle Proton Splitter.
  • (-) However, Proton Splitter's burst interval and burst time is a bit too quick, so optimizing it for speedrunning is hard.
  • (=) Average Proton Splitter impact sounds.
  • (+) Slightly forward ship core positioning, but Mistral's tall height makes it easy to locate it.
    • Mistral's ship core is also slightly separated from the rest of its main body by being on a piece of Mistral that is thinly connected to its main body


  • The base form and apexes of Mistral were designed by Rogier van de Beek.
  • The sounds made by Mistral are created by Lars Tesselaar.
  • Mistral was only introduced into Phoenix 2 at v5.3.
  • Mistral is one of the only ships where its apex has a different thruster configuration. Specifically, Mistral Tau has 4 thrusters instead of the usual 2.
  • Here's how Mistral looked like in the testing phase:
  • Coincidentally, as admitted by the devs, the design of Mistral looks might be inspired by Metal Gear Rising Vegeance. The dev also enjoyed that game a lot, so it might be unconsciously inspired.

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Tau (GM Disintegrator Warhead) - ¢40.000

Value: S
Cost vs Utility: A

Survivability (Daily Missions): B- [++++]
Survivability (Community Missions): B- [++++]

  • (+) Very useful against Caged MIRVs.
  • (+) Firing Goliath Missiles one by one gives you pockets of space to breathe and survive much more easily, especially in Shuriken/MIRV missions.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): X [++]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): X [++]

  • (+) Significantly easier to sweep the field with Goliath Missiles , since the bullet clearance from Goliath Missiles allows you to more easily hop over to other Ravens or Herons to throw Goliath Missiles at.
    • Due to the amount of Goliath Missiles being thrown on field and the amount of bullet clearance, it is quite easy to keep the field clear of bullets from smaller Ravens or Herons .
  • (+) Capability to charge riskier Mega Bombs on the next wave, since the slow moving Goliath Missiles can be used to clear the field of bullets and Invaders to allow safe charging.

Fun Factor: S [+]

  • (+) Very satisfying bullet clear from Goliath Missiles .
  • (+) Happens very frequently as well due to how fast Mistral can be.

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Lambda (MB Fast Charge) - ¢30.000

Value: S-
Cost vs Utility: B

Survivability (Daily Missions): C- [++]
Survivability (Community Missions): C- [++]

  • (+) More leniency to charge Mega Bomb to quickly retreat before bullets (especially darts) kill you.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): X [++]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): X [++]

  • (+) Allows Mega Bomb to be spammed more frequently in more waves.
  • (+) Allows Goliath Missile and Mega Bomb to be used in alternate waves easily, keeping up the supply of Goliath Missile counters using Mega Bomb.
  • (+) Reduces reliance on Proton Splitter, which is a weak main weapon that requires several bursts to down even Ravens .
  • (+) Allows you to use Mega Bomb consecutively on Wave 4 of a previous Act and Wave 1 of the next Act easily.
    • Also allows you to deal against 2 back-to-back heavy waves using Mega Bomb .
  • (+) Allows you to charge riskier Mega Bombs where darts are present and nearer to you.
  • (+) Devastatingly fast in Unprotected missions since Mega Bomb kills Unprotected Ravens immediately.

Fun Factor: S [+]

  • (+) Spamming Mega Bomb after Mega Bomb is extremely fun.
  • (-) Due to more reliance on pre-firing Goliath Missiles to destroy some waves to quickly charge Mega Bomb , easier to run into RNG issues where Goliath Missiles may miss, especially when it comes to Ravens and Sparrows .

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Strong against: Dart/Pellet, Shuriken/Pellet, Shuriken/Boomerang
Weak against: Shuriken/MIRV, Dart/MIRV, Dart/Boomerang/Laser, Dart/Pellet/Laser, Lasers Only, Laser/Pellet, Laser/Shuriken

Ship Class: Defend to Attack

Main Weapon: Nox Arsenal

  • Average DPS = 325/12 ≈ 27.08
  • Capacity = 400ms
  • Homing = Perfect (Maximum Turning Rate = 350)
  • Weapon Class = 2 successive Uninterruptible Bursts
  • Rate of Fire = 0.12s (Fast)
  • Projectile Speed = 60 to 1500 with an acceleration of 1500 (Medium)
  • Reload Time = 0.1s (Very Fast - Time between end of beam to next set of projectiles firing)
  • Projectile Hit Circle Radius = 4, Beam Width = 8
  • A set of homing missiles being fired from both sides of the ship, followed by a forward firing laser beam that lasts for a while

Survivability (Daily Missions): C
Survivability (Community Missions): C

  • (-) Phalanx is its only survival mechanism.
    • Use it when about to be cornered to shovel and create space.
    • Don't go too near to Invaders since spread turrets in particular, can drain Phalanx very quickly.
  • Play as downfield as possible.
    • Only shovel with Phalanx if cornered and unable to dodge, especially when darts interweave with pellets and/or shurikens.
  • (-) Nox Arsenal is weak, and its projectiles are unreliable to pop off turrets.
  • (-) The Nox Arsenal beam, likewise, is too weak to pop off turrets.
    • It takes at least 2 bursts of the beam to eliminate a turret, which is too long.
  • Don't be too concerned with landing the beam on something, as survival is more important.
  • (+) When faced with Vultures in front, strip off its shield before charging Clover ATS to allow it to pop turrets off.
  • Otherwise, use Clover ATS whenever fully cooled down.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): B-
Speedrunning (Community Missions): B-

  • The Nox Arsenal's beam deals 125/12 ≈ 10.42 DPS, while the Nox Arsenal projectiles collectively deal 50/3 ≈ 16.67 DPS.
    • The beam fires 0.2s after the first set of projectiles go off.
  • (-) Despite being a primarily defensive ship with a weak offensive Zen , optimizing Esperon is difficult.
  • Nox Arsenal should eliminate the shields of larger Invaders, such as Herons or above.
  • (+) Then, use Clover ATS to clean up Invaders stripped of their shields.
  • Don't use Clover ATS against Sparrows as there is too much overkill. Save Clover ATS for another wave.
    • In early Acts, use Clover ATS against Ravens or higher only.
    • Skip Clover ATS on early waves with only Sparrows .
  • Otherwise, use Clover ATS whenever fully cooled down.
  • Use Phalanx to diagonally shovel for the correct positioning to optimize the beam to hit all the time, as the beam accounts for a significant 5/13 (≈ 40%) of the DPS.
  • Clover ATS can be fired twice against Shielded Condors and Rocs .
    • Once when its shield is still up, and once after it is downed.

Fun Factor: B+

  • (+) The Nox Arsenal has nice impact sounds, especially when you land the beam.
  • (+) Clover ATS is an awesome Zen to hear in action.
  • (+) Esperon is quite a stress free ship where you can move around quite freely.
  • (+) Phalanx helps to give you freedom of moving around quite easily.
  • (=) Average ship core positioning.


  • The base form and apexes of Esperon were designed by Romano Molenaar.
  • The sounds made by Esperon are created by Lars Tesselaar.
  • Esperon was only introduced into Phoenix 2 at v5.4.
  • Esperon is very slightly asymmetrical, compared to most other ships. There are 3 scratch marks on Esperon, which are similar to that made by a real life cat. One is at the upper right corner of the ship, one is slightly diagonally left-downwards from the ship's core, and the last one is at the bottom left. Is it why it grew spikes to ward off cats from scratching it?
  • Interestingly, the spikes on base Esperon are attached to the outer plates of Esperon, while the spikes of both Esperon apexes are attached directly to the main body of Esperon
  • Before the v5.4 update where Esperon was introduced, there were a few teaser screenshots teased by the dev in Discord.
  • Esperon is the only ship with a main weapon DPS of 325/12 ≈ 27.08 DPS at Ultimate Level.
  • It was initially thought the projectiles dealt 25 DPS, while the beam does a measly 2 DPS. It was only after much research and experimentation that the actual DPS of both the beams and projectiles are known.
  • Esperon is one of only 2 ships that has 2 different types of a main weapon . It has homing missiles as well as a forward beam.
  • Esperon Crisis EMP Apex ability was slightly improved in the v5.5 update.

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Epsilon (Phalanx Crisis EMP) - ¢25.000

Value: B
Cost vs Utility: B

Survivability (Daily Missions): C+ [+]
Survivability (Community Missions): C [No significant change]

  • (+) Useful when completely cornered.
    • Deploy Phalanx and confidently shovel without worrying about whatever is between your ship core and Phalanx, since Crisis EMP completely clears this space of bullets.
  • (+) This ability is more realized in the bullet hells of Shuriken/MIRV missions.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): B- [No change]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): B- [No change]

Fun Factor: B+ [No change]

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Sigma (CATS Ion Warheads) - ¢35.000

Value: D+
Cost vs Utility: B

Survivability (Daily Missions): C [No significant change]
Survivability (Community Missions): C [No significant change]

  • (=) Very limited stunning capability provided by only 4 missiles from Clover ATS .
    • If you hit Sparrows , Ravens or Herons , it's not going to be very useful since the turret will be popped off anyway.
    • Anything larger than Herons could be useful.
    • However, stunning so few turrets could cause de-synchronization of turrets, which is bad when talking about tracking lasers or laser spreads.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): B- [No change]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): B- [No change]

  • (=) When speedrunning, since you should down the shields with Nox Arsenal, Clover ATS would already pop off the turrets when it hits Invaders with their shields downed.
    • However, can be useful on Condors and Rocs since Clover ATS can be fired once while their shield is up.

Fun Factor: B+ [No change]

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Strong against: None in particular
Weak against: Shuriken/MIRV, Dart/MIRV

Ship Class: Full Offence (FO)

Main Weapon: Lux Barrage

  • Average DPS = 31.25
  • Weapon Class = Uninterruptible Burst
  • Spread = -0.5° to 0.5° (Extremely Narrow)
  • Rate of Fire = 0.05s (Very Fast)
  • Projectile Speed = 1400 (Very Fast)
  • Reload Time = 1.2s (Slow)
  • Projectile Hit Circle Radius = 12
  • 5 fast forward traveling projectiles fired in quick succession

Survivability (Daily Missions): C
Survivability (Community Missions): C

  • (-) Very limited defence.
    • Only Vorpal Lance allows a last minute resort to get out of trouble.
  • (+) One burst of Lux Barrage takes down any turret.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): S-
Speedrunning (Community Missions): S-

  • Lux Barrage deals high burst damage.
    • It should be used to either pop turrets effectively or hit larger Invaders.
  • Lux Barrage eliminates 1 Raven and 2 Sparrows at best.
    • It will not eliminate 2 Ravens .
    • Thus, use Vorpal Lance to eliminate 2 Ravens .
  • It is a good idea to use one burst of Lux Barrage against a Heron , then use one Vorpal Lance to eliminate the Heron and another Raven .
  • If Lux Barrage is needed to use against Sparrows , only aim for Sparrows that are close to each other horizontally.
    • Otherwise, missing them is very likely.
    • Lux Barrage will only hit Sparrows within about 1/4 of the horizontal screen space effectively.
  • Vorpal Lance should go into action before Clover ATS .
    • Vorpal Lance deals its damage much faster than Clover ATS , since the missiles of Clover ATS take time to hit their targets.
  • Eliminate all Invaders in front of a Vulture or Condor before using Clover ATS so Clover ATS deals full damage to them.
    • For a huge crowd of Ravens , stockpile Vorpal Lance to sweep them.
    • If the Invaders in front are Eagles , use Clover ATS first to destroy the Eagles.
    • Against Rocs , use Clover ATS to eliminate the welcoming party, since Clover ATS will recharge before the Roc fully arrives.
  • If the wave has Eagles in front, charge Clover ATS first to damage the Eagles while throwing Vorpal Lance to damage or kill smaller Invaders behind.
    • If it's just 2 Eagles fora wave, charge Clover ATS and throw one Vorpal Lance between them.
    • Charging Clover ATS first also applies if the Eagle is horizontally aligned with other Invaders such as Ravens and Herons .
      • If it's Ravens and Sparrows , take down as many quickly with Vorpal Lance and Lux Barrage after Clover ATS is fired.
      • This reduces the chance that Clover ATS will hit these smaller Invaders instead of the Eagle .
  • Reserve Clover ATS for Eagles and above.
    • If there aren't Eagles and above, charge Clover ATS whenever.
    • If there's only a single Heron in a wave, use Lux Barrage and fire off one Vorpal Lance to kill it faster.
    • Then use Clover ATS for the next wave, since single Herons only appear in early Acts.
  • Since chasing down Sparrows is a nightmare, Clover ATS can help out with taking out a few Sparrows, but only if the wave has more than around 6 Sparrows.
    • Reserve Vorpal Lance for later waves.
    • Do not be at 4 full Vorpal Lance counters with too many particles still on field.

Fun Factor: A

  • (-) Difficult to use Lux Barrage.
    • The short and fast traveling burst of Lux Barrage makes hunting down Sparrows a pain.
  • (+) Vorpal Lance and Clover ATS are fun abilities to use.
  • (-) Awkward synergy between Vorpal Lance and Clover ATS , are competing means of damage.
  • (=) Average Lux Barrage impact sounds.
  • (=) Average ship core positioning.


  • The base form and apexes of Naya were designed by Rogier van de Beek.
  • The sounds made by Naya are created by Lars Tesselaar.
  • Naya was only introduced into Phoenix 2 at v5.4.
  • Before Naya was introduced in v5.4, there were a few teasers on Discord.
  • At the v5.5 update, Naya Tau’s Vorpal Lance Trident damage was increased from 30 to 39.6 and its firing pattern was tweaked. At the point of v5.5, Naya was the only ship which had the Trident Apex ability. (All other Trident apexes also have 39.6 damage now.)
  • Before the v5.5 update, Naya Phi's Clover ATS Shield Breaker Apex ability had no effect at all due to a bug, so Invader shields still take normal damage from Clover ATS. This was fixed in the v5.5 update, so Clover ATS Shield Breaker now deal 2.5 times normal damage to Invader shields.
  • The markings on the Tau Apex of Naya, despite looking cryptic, don't actually mean anything, as confirmed by the devs. They are simply a creative decision by Rogier.

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Tau (VL Trident) - ¢40.000

Value: S-
Cost vs Utility: B

Survivability (Daily Missions): B- [++]
Survivability (Community Missions): B- [++]

  • (+) Very good at popping turrets of Unprotected Invaders.
    • Throwing Vorpal Lances from left to right easily strips Ravens , Herons & Eagles of their turrets quickly, turning them into floating pieces of junk.
  • (=) Using Vorpal Lance Trident to clear bullets is more risky.
    • Use Vorpal Lance more pre-emptively so more frontal space can be cleared to ride up the Vorpal Lance Trident.
    • While possible to use it like normal Vorpal Lance , the horizontal clearance space of the forward firing lance is smaller than regular Vorpal Lance.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): S- [No significant change]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): S- [No significant change]

  • (+) The spread of Vorpal Lance Trident allows Naya to catch more Sparrows easily, reducing the need to use Lux Barrage to chase them down.
  • (-) However, it is more difficult to take down Ravens since 2 Vorpal Lance Tridents do not take them down.
    • The 3 lances of Vorpal Lance Trident share the damage of 39.6 equally.
    • If 2 smaller Vorpal Lance Trident hit a Raven , they only deal 26.4 damage, just shy of an Unprotected Raven's health of 27.
    • This means you need to chase down Ravens that have no turrets and incur overkill damage from each projectile of Lux Barrage.
    • This is ok for upfield Ravens hiding behind other larger Invaders (especially a Vulture ) that have both turrets popped off, since they self-destruct after a while.
  • (=) This apex is an adjustment to speedrunning.
    • It makes taking down Sparrows easier, but taking out Ravens more difficult.
  • Go near to downfield Ravens to try and take them out so Lux Barrage can be reserved for larger Invaders.
  • Never use just one Vorpal Lance Trident, fire at least 2 of them to be effective.
    • Usually 2 of Vorpal Lance Trident is effective against early Acts 1 - 2 of Sparrow only waves.
    • In later waves, fire the whole stockpile of 3 - 4 Vorpal Lance to deal as much AoE damage .
      • Hopefully, some Ravens go down too.

Fun Factor: A+ [+]

  • (+) Much less hunting of Sparrows with Vorpal Lance Tridents having better coverage to kill them.
  • (+) Watching turrets getting popped off is laughable and enjoyable.
  • (-) Less able to kill Ravens due to the damage distribution of the smaller lances in Vorpal Lance Trident.

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Phi (CATS Shield Breaker) - ¢45.000

Value: B
Cost vs Utility: B

Survivability (Daily Missions): C [No significant change]
Survivability (Community Missions): C [No significant change]

  • (+) Some viability in Shielded missions.
  • (+) Downs the shields of Condors and Rocs faster with one round of Clover ATS Shield Breaker , allowing you to start popping off turrets faster.
  • (=) Usually only useful against Condors , Rocs and frontline Vultures .
    • It's more practical to use Vorpal Lance and Lux Barrage to get rid of smaller Invaders due to the travel time of Clover ATS missiles.
    • Even for Shielded Eagles , a powerful burst of Lux Barrage and the fast speed of its projectiles would damage them, reducing the Shield Breaker advantage of Clover ATS .

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): S- [No significant change]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): S- [No significant change]

  • (+) Downs the shields of Condors and Rocs faster with one round of Clover ATS Shield Breaker .
    • The recovery time of Clover ATS means by the time you fire a second Clover ATS, the shields of a Condor's or Roc's are already downed.
    • Don't use Clover ATS against the welcoming party of Condors .
      • Use Vorpal Lances to plow through the welcoming party.
      • Wait for the Condor to fully arrive first if using Vorpal Lance .
      • Since a Condor's shield health is quite high, the Shield Breaker nature of Clover ATS can still be well utilized even if 2 Vorpal Lances hit the Condor.
      • If the Condor is alone, or if there are Ravens behind the Condor, fire Clover ATS as soon as the Condor fully arrives.
    • Use Clover ATS against the welcoming party of a Roc since a Roc takes so long to arrive.
  • (=) Against Eagles or lower, it's not practical to use Clover ATS before Vorpal Lance .
    • Clover ATS' missiles take time to hit their targets, making Vorpal Lance more efficient to clear out the Eagles instead.
  • (=) Against Vultures , they may come with at least 2 Ravens or a party of Sparrows in front.
    • In this case, go behind the Ravens and charge Clover ATS on top of the Vulture's cockpit to fully realize the Shield Breaker nature of Clover ATS.
    • Then go back downfield.
    • Against Ravens , destroy them with Vorpal Lance as usual.
    • Against Sparrows , sweep them with Lux Barrage.

Fun Factor: A [No significant change]

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Strong against: Dart/Pellet, Shuriken/Pellet, Dart/Boomerang/Pellet
Weak against: Dart/Boomerang/Laser, Dart/Pellet/Laser, Lasers Only, Laser/Pellet, Laser/Shuriken

Ship Class: Defend to Attack

Main Weapon: Nucleus Hammer

  • Average DPS = 31.25
  • Weapon Class = Continuous Stream
  • Rate of Fire = 0.46s (Medium)
  • Projectile Speed = 900 (Fast)
  • Projectile Hit Circle Radius = 19
  • Forward firing large energy balls

Survivability (Daily Missions): B
Survivability (Community Missions): B

  • (+) Point Defence is a decent survivability tool for Pandora.
  • (=) Nucleus Hammer is quite weak so turret popping takes a while.
    • However, Point Defence allows you to hold position relatively well to pop turrets off.
  • (-) The large hitbox of the Nucleus Hammer makes it impossible to pop off difficult-to-reach turrets on Condors and Rocs .
    • Unless you go right in front of the turret, which is often impractical since Point Defence doesn't last very long.
  • (+) Clover ATS is a great backup for turret popping as well.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): B
Speedrunning (Community Missions): B-

  • (+) Point Defence does well to optimize Nucleus Hammer, with a rhythm that is consistent and not so frequent.
  • Use Clover ATS whenever fully cooled down.
    • Don't use it against Sparrows since Nucleus Hammer is more efficient in taking them out.

Fun Factor: B

  • (=) While Nucleus Hammer sounds decent to the guide author, some may not like it.
  • (+) Point Defence and Clover ATS are awesome to hear in action.
  • (=) Average ship core positioning.
  • (-) Uninteresting ship overall.


  • The base form and apexes of Pandora were designed by Romano Molenaar.
  • The sounds made by Pandora are created by Lars Tesselaar.
  • Pandora was only introduced into Phoenix 2 at v6.0.
  • The Nucleus Hammer has effectively the biggest projectile as determined by hit circle radius.
  • According to the dev, the Tau Apex of Pandora was supposed to be Bullet Detonator instead of EMP Laser, for reasons the dev could not remember.
  • Before the v6.0 update where Pandora was introduced, there were a few teasers by the dev in Discord.

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Lambda (CATS Double Clover) - ¢30.000

Value: B
Cost vs Utility: B

Survivability (Daily Missions): B [No significant change]
Survivability (Community Missions): B [No significant change]

  • (+) Kills a few more Sparrows per Clover ATS .

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): B [No significant change]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): B [+]

  • (+) Covers more area and more Invaders with more Clover ATS missiles.
  • (+) Reduces the chance of Clover ATS missiles circling around Invaders which wastes damage and/or time.
  • (+) A lot more effective against waves with a mix of Ravens and Sparrows .
  • (+) 3 Clover ATS missiles of Double Clover eliminate a Raven , which is better than 2 Clover ATS missiles (equivalent to 4 missiles from Double Clover).

Fun Factor: B [No significant change]

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Tau (PD EMP Laser) - ¢40.000

Value: A
Cost vs Utility: B

Survivability (Daily Missions): A+ [+++]
Survivability (Community Missions): B [No significant change]

  • (+) Increased viability in Shuriken/MIRV and Dart/MIRV missions.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): B [No change]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): B- [No change]

Fun Factor: B [No change]

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Strong against: None in particular
Weak against: Shuriken/MIRV, Dart/MIRV

Ship Class: Full Offence (FO)

Main Weapon: Nova Surge

  • Average DPS = 31.25
  • Capacity = 400ms
  • Weapon Class = 2 successive Uninterruptible Bursts
  • Reload Time = 0.4s (Fast), 0.9s (Medium)
  • Beam Width = 8
  • 2 forward firing purple laser beams with a delay between them

Survivability (Daily Missions): D+
Survivability (Community Missions): D+

  • (-) Only Mega Laser for bullet clearing capabilities.
  • (+) Nova Surge is great at popping off turrets.
    • The 2 bursts of Nova Surge allow 2 turrets from a Vulture or larger to popped off quite easily.
    • The interval time between the 2 bursts gives you time to switch to the other turret.
    • Only pop off turrets on one side of a Vulture since going over to the other side of the Vulture takes too much time.
  • (-) No bullet clearing capabilities sideways, making turret popping difficult.
  • (+) Goliath Missile clears out Ravens , that is, if you can hit.
  • (-) Difficult to land Goliath Missiles since Monsoon primarily plays downfield due to the beam nature of Nova Surge and Mega Laser .

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): S-
Speedrunning (Community Missions): S-

  • Here are some combinations of the interactions between Nova Surge, Goliath Missile and Mega Laser :
    • Raven : 1 partial burst of the 2 from Nova Surge breaks their shields. This leaves them vulnerable to be destroyed by blast damage from 1 Goliath Missile .
    • Heron : 1 full burst of Nova Surge, or 2 partial bursts of Nova Surge, or 1 partial burst of Nova Surge + 1 Goliath Missile kills a Shielded Heron.
      • Herons' shield go down after 0.4s of exposure to Nova Surge, which leaves them vulnerable to be destroyed by blast damage from 1 Goliath Missile .
    • Eagle : 1 Mega Laser , or 1 full burst of Nova Surge + 1 Goliath Missile wipe out Shielded Eagles.
    • Vulture : 1 full burst of Nova Surge strips its shield. 1 Mega Laser then kills it.
      • If Mega Laser hits the Vulture first, 2 more full bursts of Nova Surge is required to down the Vulture.
    • Condor : 2 full bursts of Nova Surge downs its shields. 1 Mega Laser + 3/4 Goliath Missiles then kills it.
      • However, it's better to just use Nova Surge and slot Mega Laser in between the bursts, instead of using Goliath Missiles that should be reserved for later waves (unless it is the last wave).
  • (+) With both single target and AoE damage means, Monsoon is a versatile speedrunning ship.
  • Like most Goliath Missile ships in speedrunning, go upfield to throw Goliath Missiles at as many upfield Invaders at point blank range first.
  • After dealing damage from Goliath Missiles , optimizing the 2 bursts of Nova Surge is key.
    • This is the most difficult part of playing Monsoon, which takes a lot of practice to grasp the 2 different intervals of the Nova Surge bursts.
  • If additional Goliath Missile counters are earned midwave, a Goliath Missile can be fired between the 2 bursts of Nova Surge.
    • Use the burst to down the shield of Invaders so the Goliath Missile thrown eliminates the weakened Invaders.
    • Then try to use the second burst elsewhere.
  • If not charging Mega Laser for the next wave, stay upfield at the end of a wave, especially if Herons or lower are upfield.
    • If the next wave has Eagles in front, charge Mega Laser downfield to get rid of at least one Eagle.
    • You can then more easily go around the field to throw Goliath Missiles without being trapped upfield.
  • If there's a frontline Vulture , charge Mega Laser first on the frontline Vulture.
    • If possible, down the Vulture's shield first, so charge Mega Laser as the second burst of Nova Surge goes off.
    • This usually involves some form of swiping as you fire off the second burst of Nova Surge.
    • Fake charge Mega Laser where necessary so the longer interval of the 2 bursts is used when fully charging Mega Laser to fire at the Vulture .
  • Use a burst of Nova Surge to finish off a wave if charging Mega Laser for the next wave to save Goliath Missile counters .

Fun Factor: A-

  • (-) The 2 different intervals between bursts of Nova Surge is extremely difficult to grasp.
    • Dealing against smaller Invaders is a huge pain, since target switching is very difficult when there are 2 different intervals to keep track of.
  • (+) The Nova Surge has a soothing impact sound.
  • (=) Goliath Missile is a satisfying Aura to use if you score hits with it, which may be difficult.
  • (-) Monsoon is a difficult ship to speedrun with due to the annoying Nova Surge burst intervals.
  • (=) Average ship core positioning.


  • The base form and apexes of Monsoon were designed by Romano Molenaar.
  • The sounds made by Monsoon are created by Lars Tesselaar.
  • Monsoon was only introduced into Phoenix 2 at v6.0.
  • Before Monsoon was released in v6.0, there were a few teaser screenshots by the dev in Discord.
  • Monsoon is asymmetrical, unlike most ships.
  • The design of Monsoon's Nova Surge didn't take very long, according to the dev.
    • The dev already set a constraint, since the main weapon for Monsoon was clearly (to the dev, at least) going to be a big beam or big shot.
    • The dev wanted to use a dark backdrop for the beam so it would look like a fractured light beam. He also wanted to create some bloomy streaks across the Nova Surge.
    • This eventually lead to an Amaterasu Laser type, which simply means color on black.
    • The color of the Nova Surge was adjusted brighter during development.
  • Different colors of Monsoon's Nova Surge was being tested. Here are how some of the results turned out:
  • To the left of Monsoon's main cannon, there are small glow rails, which light up between Nova Surge bursts. The color of the glow differs from base (Blue) to Gamma (Purple) to Epsilon (Orange).
  • Monsoon Epsilon is the only Mega Laser Double Shot apex where in-between the 2 Mega Lasers, the main weapon is allowed to fire. This is likely because Mega Laser Double Shot apexes on Shield Breaker ships would not be very useful.
  • Coincidentally, as admitted by the devs, the design of Monsoon is inspired by Metal Gear Rising Vengeance. The dev also enjoyed that game a lot, so it could be unconsciously inspired.

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Gamma (GM Proximity Detonator) - ¢15.000

Value: D-
Cost vs Utility: C

Survivability (Daily Missions): D [-]
Survivability (Community Missions): D [-]

  • (+) Almost guaranteed to hit Goliath Missiles .
  • (-) Much more likely to eliminate and damage less Invaders since Goliath Missiles detonate earlier than desired.
    • Since the radius of the Goliath Missile Proximity Detonator is big, but the blast radius is calculated from the center of the Goliath Missile itself, it is less likely to hit Invaders upfield.
  • (+) Useful when using Goliath Missile as the finisher blow to a wave, instead of using Nova Surge.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): A [--]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): A [--]

  • (-) The proximity sensor usually detonates Goliath Missile in front of Invader clusters, rather than to the side or in the middle of Invader clusters.
    • This means Invaders at the back of these clusters, especially Sparrows or other Ravens escape the blast damage of Goliath Missile .

Fun Factor: A- [No significant change]

  • (+) Much less frustration in missing Goliath Missiles .
  • (-) Goliath Missiles often detonate earlier than desired due to the large proximity radius, thus usually missing your intended destination.
  • (=) Makes Monsoon more accessible to beginners, which is kind of strange when you need to spend even more credits for beginner friendliness.

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Epsilon (ML Double Shot) - ¢25.000

Value: A
Cost vs Utility: A

Survivability (Daily Missions): D+ [No significant change]
Survivability (Community Missions): D+ [No significant change]

  • (+) Takes down dense waves more easily.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): S [+]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): S [+]

  • (+) More consistent rhythm.
    • The rhythm of one Mega Laser , one burst of Nova Surge, the second Mega Laser, then another burst of Nova Surge is easier to grasp than one Mega Laser, then 2 bursts of Nova Surge.
  • (+) Damage spreading between different columns more effectively, which helps a lot in dense waves.
  • (+) More effective damage against frontline Vultures , Condors or Rocs , since a burst of Nova Surge goes off between the 2 Mega Lasers fired, allowing the Shield Breaker nature of Nova Surge to be used more effectively.
    • This is especially against frontline Vultures since the burst of Nova Surge between the Mega Lasers down its shield, allowing the other 100 damage of Mega Laser to be dealt to its body.

Fun Factor: A- [No significant change]

  • (+) A bit more consistent rhythm, but only at the start of a wave after charging Mega Laser .

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Strong against: None in particular
Weak against: Shuriken/MIRV, Dart/MIRV

Ship Class: Full Offence (FO)

Main Weapon: BE-27 Trackers

  • Average DPS = 25
  • Target Tracking = Fast (Rotation Speed = 800)
  • Weapon Class = Uninterruptible Burst
    • (Invader Triggered - Synchronous)
  • Capacity = 900ms
  • Reload Time = 0.6s (Fast)
  • Beam Width = 6
  • 2 fast tracking laser beams, with an angular range of ±108° from the straight vertical

Survivability (Daily Missions): B
Survivability (Community Missions): B

  • (+) Vorpal Lance riding is a frequent technique for survival.
    • Focus Lance and the rather powerful BE-27 Trackers which track very well allow Vorpal Lance counters to be replenished rather quickly.
    • Vorpal Lance riding can be used in long battles against Condors and Rocs .
  • (-) BE-27 Trackers will keep targeting the same turret mount point even if its destroyed.
    • Thankfully, given the very fast tracking capability of BE-27 Trackers, it is easy to switch sides of the field to try and get BE-27 Trackers to target another turret on the next burst.
    • Switching sides of the field is natural for Warden because it needs to Vorpal Lance sweep the wave.
  • (+) Vorpal Lances and Focus Lance are plentiful means to pop off turrets, after BE-27 Trackers strips off Invader shields.
  • (+) The very fast tracking nature of BE-27 Trackers is very effective against Sparrows , since there is negligible damage leak between Sparrows.
  • BE-27 Trackers has a firing angular range of ±108° from the vertical.
    • It will attempt to hit an Invader out of the firing angular range as the current or subsequent bursts fire.
    • If you re-adjust yourself such that BE-27 Trackers is in firing angular range, even if the new target is on the opposite side of Warden, the BE-27 Trackers will turn to hit that Invader.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): S
Speedrunning (Community Missions): S

  • Generally, Focus Lance for larger Invaders, such as Herons or above.
    • Using it against Ravens is unreliable since they move too fast and may avoid the Focus Lance .
      • Ideal if Focus Lance is recharged and there are only Ravens in that wave.
    • Not necessary against Sparrows because BE-27 Trackers are already very efficient against them.
  • Focus Lance can also be used if 2 Invaders are going to align in a vertical straight line.
    • This is more relevant for early Acts 1 - 3.
  • Focus Lance can be used against Vultures and above with no issue since Vorpal Lance can always start off the lance sweeping.
  • (-) Warden speedrunning can be very RNG based.
    • Generally Warden is a very opportunistic ship where Vorpal Lance is first priority, and Focus Lance is second priority.
  • No need to use Focus Lance every wave, even if recovered.
    • Sometimes, its better to use the BE-27 Trackers to finish off the wave.
  • If the BE-27 Trackers have stopped, and there is only one Raven left without Focus Lance being fully cool down, use Vorpal Lance to finish off that Raven.
  • BE-27 Trackers tends to target in the direction of whatever it last finished off its previous burst.
    • This means to prevent damage conflict between Vorpal Lance or Focus Lance , try to finish off a wave by letting BE-27 Tracker target as westward or eastward as possible.
      • This means going upfield and to the other side of the remaining Invader(s) on field.
      • For bigger Invaders, especially Vultures and above, Warden can retarget based on where you are.
      • Thus, only head upfield once certain that this is the last BE-27 Trackers burst before the bigger Invader is destroyed.
    • Then start off the wave at the other side the BE-27 Trackers are not pointing to.
  • If the wave is simply Raven and Sparrow heavy, ignore the BE-27 Trackers and throw Vorpal Lances to eliminate all Ravens.
    • The BE-27 Trackers will take care of the Sparrows .
    • For Raven only waves, the BE-27 Trackers doesn't matter anymore.

Fun Factor: S-

  • (+) The pleasing magnetic sounds of BE-27 Trackers are soothing to hear.
  • (+) Very easy to handle BE-27 Trackers
    • Very reliable and responsive to switch targets automatically, with no damage leaking.
  • (+) You can easily focus on spamming Vorpal Lances and firing Focus Lance correctly.
  • (+) Spamming lances like no other is awesome.
  • (-) The awkwardness of BE-27 Trackers, Vorpal Lance and Focus Lance , all competing with each other for damage makes it quite easy to miss Vorpal Lances and Focus Lances, which can be quite frustrating.
  • (=) Average ship core positioning.


  • The base form and apexes of Warden were designed by Romano Molenaar.
  • The sounds made by Warden are created by Lars Tesselaar.
  • Warden was only introduced into Phoenix 2 at v6.0.
  • Before Warden was introduced in v6.0, a few teaser screenshots were released by the devs in Discord.
  • In v6.1.5, Warden's BE-27 Trackers' performance was improved. Previously, the BE-27 Trackers would deal less than 25 DPS due to the way it retargets.
  • Warden has often been thought to be Ogon 2.0, given how similar Warden looks to Ogon.
    • Warden's main weapon is very similar to Ogon Phi. In fact, the BE-27 Trackers is an improved version of the Photon Array Mk3 since it tracks even faster.
    • Warden's physical form factor is similar to Ogon too; a huge underbody that has a regular shape with 2 huge arms.

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Sigma (FL FTL) - ¢35.000

Value: A
Cost vs Utility: A

Survivability (Daily Missions): B [No significant change]
Survivability (Community Missions): B [No significant change]

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): S [No significant change]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): S [No significant change]

  • (+) Easier to catch pesky Ravens that like to run away.
  • (+) Less conflict between BE-27 Trackers and Focus Lance , if you don't have the liberty to re-adjust the BE-27 Trackers to target the other side.
    • Focus Lance eliminates and/or damages Invaders downfield first, then the BE-27 Trackers cleans up the column in front.
    • If there's a Heron in front and BE-27 Trackers are about to target it, immediately charge Focus Lance the moment BE-27 Trackers go off.
      • This takes better advantage of the Shield Breaker nature of BE-27 Trackers.
      • The Heron and any Ravens behind it then dies immediately with Focus Lance .
  • (=) An entirely different rhythm to playing Warden, since Focus Lance has no travel time.
    • Particularly, using Focus Lance needs re-adjustment.
      • With normal Focus Lance , you have to account for the converging of Invaders to fire Focus Lance.
      • It can be a slight debuff when speedrunning, since the effective time of Focus Lance on field much shorter.
      • This means you cannot pre-fire Focus Lance .
    • Remember damage can only be dealt to Invaders once they are fully on field.
      • This can become a problem if you charge Focus Lance against frontline smaller Invaders at the start of the wave and a Vulture or larger is behind it.
      • Charging Focus Lance too early means the larger Invader behind won't be damaged by Focus Lance.

Fun Factor: S- [No significant change]

  • (=) Changes the way Warden plays. It takes some getting used to a new rhythm of using Focus Lance , especially in conjunction with BE-27 Trackers.
  • (+) Once you get used to it, it MIGHT be more fun due to the better responsiveness of Focus Lance to deal damage.
    • However, it doesn't beat Vorpal Lance since Vorpal Lance release is instant, and Vorpal Lance already travels fast.
  • (+) Less chance of Ravens running away from your Focus Lance .

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Phi (VL Trident) - ¢45.000

Value: B-
Cost vs Utility: B

Survivability (Daily Missions): B [No significant change]
Survivability (Community Missions): B [No significant change]

  • (+) Deals against dangerous Sparrows hiding behind larger Invaders, especially Eagles or larger.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): S [No significant change]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): S [No significant change]

  • (+) Useful in early Acts where Sparrows are more abundant, since a Vorpal Lance Trident can reduce one burst of BE-27 Trackers to finish off the wave.
  • (-) Negative buff to speedrunning. 2 lances of Vorpal Lance Trident cannot kill a Shielded Raven .
    • 3 Vorpal Lance Trident projectiles must hit a Raven to take it down.
    • This can be detrimental to Vorpal Lance sweeps when several upfield Ravens continue to survive, causing them to regenerate their shields.
      • Especially for Ravens behind Eagles or larger.
    • For Ravens protected by Herons or other Ravens hit by Vorpal Lance Tridents, BE-27 Trackers can still take them out efficiently.
  • (+) Can be useful for dense waves with only Ravens and Sparrows and you only have 2 Vorpal Lance Tridents at hand.
    • Vorpal Lance Trident splits the damage across the many Ravens to be eliminated by BE-27 Trackers.
    • It may even eliminate a few Sparrows that are harder to be hit by normal Vorpal Lance .
  • (-) The damage distribution of Vorpal Lance Tridents strips the Ravens' shields, which isn't ideal because the BE-27 Trackers strip the shield much more efficiently.

Fun Factor: S- [No significant change]

  • (+) Less problems caused by Sparrows hiding behind other larger Invaders.
  • (-) Regeneration of shields by Ravens hiding behind other larger Invaders is frustrating.

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Strong against: Dart/Pellet, Shuriken/Pellet, Shuriken/MIRV, Dart/MIRV, Dart/Boomerang/Pellet, General - No Lasers, Shuriken/Boomerang
Weak against: Dart/Boomerang/Laser, Dart/Pellet/Laser, Shuriken/Pellet/Laser, Lasers Only, Laser/Pellet, Laser/Shuriken

Ship Class: Defend to Attack

Main Weapon: Shadow Carver

  • Average DPS = 25
  • Homing = Perfect (Maximum Turning Rate = 7,000,000)
  • Weapon Class = Uninterruptible Burst
  • Projectile Speed = 500, with an acceleration of 1000 to 700 after 0.2s (Medium)
  • Reload Time = 0.9s (Medium)
  • Projectile Hit Circle Radius = 15
  • 1 forward firing projectile that splits into 6 after traveling straight for a while

Survivability (Daily Missions): B
Survivability (Community Missions): B

  • (+) Bullet EMP is a pretty resilient tool for Disaris to survive.
  • However, the weak Shadow Carver makes Disaris hard to survive for long.
    • Particularly struggles against Rocs .
  • (-) Can't pop off turrets with Shadow Carver effectively.
    • Possible if close enough to the turret, but usually impractical.
    • Bullet EMP can help stun the turret long enough to get up close enough to have a full burst of Shadow Carver hit the turret and pop it off.
      • But this requires great timing.
  • (+) Use Bullet EMP to get optimal Focus Lance lineups.
  • Due to the weak Shadow Carver, you may want to use Focus Lance to eliminate turrets if survival is too difficult on certain waves, rather than trying to kill Ravens .
    • Especially if the Ravens don't carry very dangerous turrets.
    • You can usually wait a while before trying to get a more optimal line-up to eliminate the turret but catch as many Invaders as possible with Focus Lance .

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): B
Speedrunning (Community Missions): B+

  • (-) Because Shadow Carver only splits after some time, it is very common to have a small Invader absorb the entire burst.
    • This results in huge overkill damage.
  • (-) Shadow Carver and Focus Lance are conflicting means of damage.
    • Shadow Carver frequently damages Ravens before Focus Lance can hit them, which wastes some of Shadow Carver's damage.
    • To avoid this, fire the initial burst of Shadow Carver damage on one side.
    • Then head over to the other side to fire Focus Lance .
  • (+) Use Bullet EMP as a positioning tool to fire off optimal Focus Lances to hit as many Invaders as possible.
  • Use Focus Lance as frequent as possible.
  • One full burst of Shadow Carver + Focus Lance just nice kills an Armored Heron .
  • Stay as downfield as possible to avoid overkill with Shadow Carver, since it only splits after a while.
  • Get up close to the last Invader on field and inflict the entire Shadow Carver burst before it splits.

Fun Factor: B

  • (+) A very stress free ship since Bullet EMP is forgiving, and Shadow Carver is homing .
  • (+) The only thing that needs aiming is Focus Lance .
    • Bullet EMP helps to get good lime-ups for Focus Lance .
  • (+) Getting good line-ups with Focus Lance to pierce as many Invaders is easy and satisfying with Bullet EMP .
  • (+) Pretty awesome to watch Shadow Carver split after a while.
  • (-) Of course, that also comes with frustration if a Sparrow decides to absorb the entire Shadow Carver burst before it splits.
  • (+) Nice Shadow Carver impact sounds.
  • (=) Despite the weird shape of Disaris, it's short height make it easy to locate its ship core to track it easily.


  • The base form and apexes of Disaris were designed by Romano Molenaar.
  • The sounds made by Disaris are created by Lars Tesselaar.
  • Disaris was only introduced into Phoenix 2 at v6.0.
  • Disaris is asymmetrical, unlike most ships.
  • While all ships bank / tilt to one side when moving, Disaris has a reduced degree of banking compared to most other ships.
  • Disaris doesn't fly using thrusters unlike most ships, but perhaps uses an Anti-Gravity Drive propulsion system.
  • Both Disaris' apexes are some of the only apexes that also have a hidden change to them, adding a forward beam in addition to their apex effects.
  • Here's a draft version of Disaris which had more guns which was never seen in-game. Note how the left gun is re-implemented in Disaris' apexes.
  • Here's a teaser screenshot for Disaris before it was released, which showed the left gun. Ultimately, the gun was scrapped from the base form and only the apexes had the left gun, but are also different.
  • Disaris is the most expensive Rare ship to fully upgrade (to 6-6-6) and get both its apexes, coming in at ¢95.800 (¢1.500 for buying Disaris, ¢9.300 for fully upgrading, ¢35.000 for the Sigma Apex & ¢50.000 for the Omega Apex), assuming you buy everything with your own credits (including buying to unlock the ship itself).
  • Disaris seems to bear huge similarities to the YT-2400 light freighter Outrider from Star Wars.
    • Despite this, the dev says that he does not recall any inspirations from Star Wars.
    • He also says that Romano, who drew Disaris, is not a Star Wars aficionado.
  • Although the devs have no reason to lie, I myself still find the similarities too uncanny to say that Disaris isn't inspired by the YT-2400 light freighter Outrider from Star Wars.
    • The thrusters (which is now the Anti-Gravity Drive for Disaris), the general shape of Disaris, and the 3 blue dots on Disaris seem clearly inspired off the Outrider.
    • Even the left gun for Disaris (in the draft version and its apexes) has the shape of the gun on the Outrider and follows the shape of the Outrider ship.
    • By the way, I'm not a Star Wars fan, but the blue glow of the Anti-Gravity Drive seems to be a very Star Wars inspired thing, so I went to search it up.
    • That proves that even non Star Wars fans like Romano who drew the ship need not be a Star Wars fan to be inspired by the Outrider.
    • Here, judge for yourself whether you think Disaris is inspired by the YT-2400 light freighter Outrider from Star Wars or not. (I've added in the left gun in the draft version of Disaris, although i did shorten it a bit):
  • The dev thought it was fun to use the round shape to shoot something that spins.
    • The Shadow Carver projectile itself is based on the shadow-windmill-shuriken that Naruto and Sasuke use in the Zabuza saga, called the Fūman Shuriken, the Shadow Windmill (pictured below). Where you see 1, but another one is hiding "underneath" while it travels.
    • The shuriken that hides underneath another is the origin of the first part of its main weapon name "Shadow".

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Both apexes also adds a forward beam with a width of 2 on the left side of Disaris that is of 4 DPS. It is enough to eliminate an Armored Raven damaged by a full burst of Shadow Carver. It looks like this:

Sigma (FL High Voltage) - ¢35.000

Value: D
Cost vs Utility: C

Survivability (Daily Missions): B [No significant change]
Survivability (Community Missions): B [No significant change]

  • (+) Only really helps against a Condor , since you can stun one exposed turret with Focus Lance .
    • Target a spinner or other dangerous turrets that take some time to fire, such as Doomsday Super MIRVs , MIRV Bloomers/Spreads, etc.
      • No point to target Doomsday Bombs since Disaris doesn't play upfield.
      • Could be useful to target Doomsday Lasers before they fire if you get trapped underneath them.
    • The turret health of a Condor is higher than Focus Lance's damage, so it's useful because it can be risky to go near a Condor's turret.
  • (-) Not really useful otherwise.
    • For Rocs , you can also use Focus Lance to stun one front turret.
    • No point to go behind to stun a difficult-to-reach turret on a Roc , when Focus Lance will damage it, and a Shadow Carver burst will pop the turret off immediately after.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): B [No significant change]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): B+ [No significant change]

  • (+) The forward beam allows an Armored Raven to be destroyed with one full burst of Shadow Carver + 1 burst of the beam.
    • Go right in the face of an Armored Raven to hit a full burst of Shadow Carver and the beam in alternate turns.

Fun Factor: B [No change]

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Omega (BEMP Bullet Detonator) - ¢50.000

Value: S+
Cost vs Utility: A

Survivability (Daily Missions): A- [++]
Survivability (Community Missions): B+ [+]

  • (+) Eliminates waves with dangerous pellet spinners quickly.
    • Also eliminates waves that have upfield Invaders pumping in a lot of shurikens quickly.
  • (+) Useful against Caged MIRVs as well, as after some of them explode, using Bullet EMP will wipe more Sparrows and have no pellets released from their Caged MIRVs.

Speedrunning (Daily Missions): HX [++++]
Speedrunning (Community Missions): A [++]

  • (+) Obliterates waves with pellet spinners.
    • Works quite well against T4 Shuriken Spinners and high tier dart spinners.
    • Against 2 T4 pellet spinners, performing turret riding and allowing pellets to build up enough, then firing Bullet EMP instantly crushes any Invader, including Rocs (together with their heavy welcoming parties like Eagles !).
    • If you cannot get up close to the pellet spinners for turret riding, use a Bullet EMP to clear out just enough of the field.
      • Make sure the Bullet EMP does not reset the spinner.
      • Then go between the pellet lanes and collect particles to build up another huge Bullet EMP to deal the finishing blow to clear the wave.
  • (+) Go up close to MIRV Bloomers, let as many MIRVs explode to release as many pellets as possible.
    • Then immediately fire Bullet EMP to severely damage or outright blow that Invader out of the sky.
    • Obviously, grazing the pellets released by MIRV Bloomers is an essential skill to fire a Bullet EMP of full radius to deal devastating damage.
    • In some cases, because MIRV Bloomers fire in bursts, it is advantageous to severely damage the Invader with the first Bullet EMP .
      • Then allow it to fire another burst of MIRVs from its MIRV Bloomers.
      • However, let Shadow Carver finish off the Invader instead.
      • With the pellets released from the new wave of MIRVs , use against the next wave instead.
      • This skill is much harder to master.
  • Even in waves without MIRV Bloomers but only MIRV Launchers/Spreads, explode as many MIRVs as possible, then use Bullet EMP just before getting hit by bullets to deal massive damage to Invaders all around.
    • Remember MIRVs have a short time after fired before they can explode.
      • Use that time to go in the middle of all MIRVs fired to trigger them all.
      • Be careful with Super MIRVs and the MIRVs released by the Super MIRV, since they can explode immediately.
  • (+) Wait for upfield Invaders to pump in shurikens from their high tier shuriken launchers.
    • When the shurikens overlap Invaders in the midfield, BOOM, fire Bullet EMP to kill them all instantly.
  • (+) Useful against Caged MIRVs , although it is difficult to control when the pellets from Caged MIRVs are released and where the released pellets are going.
  • (+) Extremely powerful against Condors and Rocs , especially when their difficult-to-reach turrets contain high level spinners and/or MIRV Bloomers.
  • Use Focus Lance against insignificant Invaders that have turrets that don't add many bullets on top of other Invaders (Low tier turrets or downfield Invaders that have forward facing high tier turrets).
  • (+) Also works against Shuriken/Boomerang missions, since the amount of shurikens and also MIRVs can build up a lot of bullets.
    • Boomerangs aren't deadly if you go right up to Invaders and do turret riding.
  • (-) Less useful outside Shuriken/MIRV or Shuriken/Boomerang missions, since the presence of darts make it difficult to build up bullets on field and have Bullet EMP cover the whole field.
    • You would be forced to play more downfield since you can't stay close to Invaders.
    • Very hard to estimate the best time to launch Bullet EMP to deal maximum damage too.
  • (+) The forward beam allows an Armored Raven to be destroyed with one full burst of Shadow Carver + 1 burst of the beam.
    • Go right in the face of an Armored Raven to hit a full burst of Shadow Carver and the beam in alternate turns.
  • For even more tips on how to speedrun with this apex, refer to this website:

Fun Factor: X [++++]

  • (+) Using this apex in Shuriken/MIRV missions is a satisfaction like no other when even the largest Rocs can disappear in one Bullet EMP .

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